Free fall leaf collection set for November 13-17

October 24, 2017

The City of Bartlesville’s free leaf Collection for Bartlesville residents will be held Nov. 1317 (2017), Public Works Director Keith Henry said recently.

Residents should place their leaves at the curb in bags on their normal collection day. During this week only, leaf bags will not require yard waste stickers. Residents may use clear or colored bags.

“This collection is for private residences only. There will be no commercial collections,” Henry said.

The collection is only for leaves and grass, Henry said. There is no limit on the number of bags a resident can put out for collection. Extra bags or items of household refuse outside the cart must have the Red Refuse sticker attached.

“Residents should comply with all other standard refuse regulations,” Henry said.

Leaves and grass will be collected only once during the week of Nov. 13-17 — on the resident’s normal collection day.

The free leaf/grass collection will be offered again the week of Dec. 18-22.

For more information, call 918-338-4130.