Adams Golf Course on-track to finish in April

December 20, 2024
Contract crews prepare to install drainage pipes on one of the greens at Adams Golf Course.

The Adams Golf Course Reconstruction project, which got underway Nov. 1, is on-track conclude next spring or early summer.

The project includes the replacement of all 18 course greens, along with the nursery, chipping and putting greens, and upgrading the course’s drainage system.

Jonesplan has completed demolition and re-shaping of all greens except the putting green and chipping green, as those greens are being saved for later in the contract to allow use as long as possible for patrons. Additionally, the installation of greens drainage and the greens mix has been completed on holes 9, 10, 15, 17 and 18.

“These items will likely be complete on the rest of the re-shaped greens in the next two weeks, with work beginning on installation of irrigation once they get mix placed on at least 10 greens. Once they get the irrigation installed, they will begin installing topsoil and establishing finished grade of the greens and surrounds,” said Director of Engineering Micah Siemers.

“We were fortunate that one of the wettest Novembers on record did not cause too many delays for the project due to most of the rain coming in a period of 9 or 10 days. We have been fortunate to have good working conditions since then and Jonesplan has managed the project well. The architect, golf course maintenance staff and contractor have worked well together to find solutions for some unknown hurdles that have popped up during construction while keeping the schedule and budget on track.”

Crews add sand at Hole 8.

Siemers said the primary schedule milestone is to have the greens seeded by April 1.

“This is so that they have sufficient grow in time to be playable before the United Way Tournament in September 2025,” he said. “Things are looking good to make this deadline.”

The nursey is used to grow grass to replace damaged greens.