The White Rose Cemetery is a non-sectarian cemetery owned and operated by the City of Bartlesville, OK.  A Cemetery Board oversees its operations. The Board has adopted the White Rose Cemetery Rules and Regulations and with the approval of the City Council, reserves the right to amend rules when deemed proper.

The City shall take rational precaution to protect owners, within the Cemetery from loss or damages from causes beyond its reasonable control and especially from damages caused by the  elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief-makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riot or order of any military or civil authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral other than as herein provided.

The City shall appoint a representative for the purpose of maintaining the Cemetery, for openings and closings of all grave sites, for Mausoleum care, and enforcing rules and regulations.

Rules and regulations

Sunset Gardens shall mean the areas west (Block 7) and east (Block 8) of the Mausoleum.  The marking of graves in Sunset Gardens is restricted to flat bronze or granite headstones set flush with the turf, with the exception of Block 7, Lots 130 and 131, where upright headstones are allowed.

Flowers and plants on graves are permitted on Easter, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Christmas Day.  These shall be removed within ten days of placement.  Winter wreaths and blankets will be removed March 1 of each year.  Cut flowers may be used at any time, however no wire or glass may be used in floral arrangements.

No enclosure or structure shall be placed around any grave or lot.  All planting and digging on any lot will be performed by Cemetery personnel.  It is illegal to break or injure an tree or shrub, mar any landmark, marker or headstone, or in any way deface the grounds of the Cemetery.

All headstones and markers (except those that require setting flush with the turf) shall be mounted permanently on a concrete, granite or bronze pad with a four (4) inch wide border on all sides.  One headstone will be permitted on one grave space, with the exception of a government marker. All markers at the foot of an existing grave must be set flush with the turf.  A companion or family headstone may be set to embrace two (2) or more grave spaces.  All headstones and their placement must be approved by the City prior to installation at the Cemetery.  Use of urns or vases must be approved by the City.

Symbols such as Faith, Hope and Love, as well as religious symbols, such as the Cross or Star of David, and emblems of Fraternal and military organizations contribute to the significance of the headstone.  Epitaphs decidedly add character to a headstone.  It is, therefore, recommended that symbols, epitaphs and historical inscriptions be used whenever possible.

Any person, firm or corporation other than an employee of the City engaged in placing, erecting, or repairing any headstone on the Cemetery ground must be insured and shall be deemed a contractor.  Setting by individuals is prohibited.

If any headstone or memorial – or any inscription to be placed on same – is determined by the City to the offensive, the City shall have the right to remove the offensive or improper object(s).

Setting fees

Most monuments within White Rose are set by funeral homes, monument companies and other businesses who are licensed, bonded and approved by the City of Bartlesville. Please contact these companies for their setting fee scale. Settings by individuals are prohibited.

Below is the fee chart when a monument is set by the City of Bartlesville. This includes a pre-cast concrete base where required.*

1’ x 2’        $100

1’ x 3’        $125

1’ x 4’        $150

1’ x 5’        $175

1’ x 6’        $200

Larger than those sizes listed above – $30 per sq foot

Permit fee charged to licensed businesses – $25 per marker

Reversible vase                $20

Corner Marker                   $10

Government Marker         $75

*Headstones set in Blocks 7 and 8 must be flush with the ground and do not require a pad. Setting fee still applies in these areas.

Local monument dealers

This should not be viewed as an all-encompassing listing of area monument dealers.  The White Rose Cemetery and the City of Bartlesville do not recommend any one dealer.

Arnold Moore-Neekamp Funeral Home
710 SE Dewey
Bartlesville, OK 74003

Benchmark Monument
1735 E. 11th Street
Tulsa, OK 74104
918-582-8600, 1-877-581-8600

Benjamin Funeral Services
114 W. Cherokee
Nowata, OK 74048

Cemetery Road Monuments
1025 S. Pecan
Nowata, OK 74048

Coffeyville Memorials
507 W. 8th Street
Coffeyville, KS 67337

Cornerstone Memorials
220 East Cottonwood / PO Box 108
Independence, KS 67301

Davis Family Funeral Home
113 S. Osage
Dewey, OK 74029

Hollister’s Monument Company
15806 East 495 Road
Claremore, OK 74019

Oklahoma Monument Company
3540 SE Washington Blvd.
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Pryse Monument Company
1030 S. Waverly Street
Ponca City, OK 74601-5700

Stumpff Funeral Home
1600 SE Washington
Bartlesville, OK 74006

Tulsa Monument Company
7035 E. 41st Street
Tulsa, OK 74104

Walker-Brown Funeral Home
4201 SE Nowata Rd.
Bartlesville, OK 74006