A housing study is an in-depth analysis of a community’s housing market, essential for informed decision-making. It evaluates the availability, quality, and affordability of housing, and provides data to guide policy and development. The study integrates data from various authoritative sources:

  • United States Census: Provides demographic and housing stock information, giving a broad snapshot of the city.
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Offers insights into housing affordability, substandard living conditions, and subsidized properties.
  • Tulsa Multiple Listing Service (MLS): Reveals real estate market dynamics.
  • Federal Reserve Bank: Highlights trends in foreclosures, lending, and broader economic implications.
  • Local Rental Survey Data: Captures on-the-ground realities within the rental market.

This study aims to provide a holistic view of Bartlesville’s housing scene, uncovering the state of housing for homeowners, renters, and various economic groups. The ultimate goal is to inform and guide housing decisions, ensuring access to safe and affordable housing for all residents.

2024 Bartlesville Housing Study