Q&A: City has no official stance on when to trick or treat

October 25, 2017
Since Halloween is on a Tuesday this year, when do the kids trick or treat?

City offices will be open and services will be available on Oct. 31, as Halloween is not a nationally recognized holiday or one observed by the City of Bartlesville.

While the City has no official stance on the issue either way, we suppose it might be best to simply recognize Halloween by “trick or treating” on the day designated for it, which is Oct. 31.

Whatever night you choose, keep safety in mind and remember: if you have candy and want to give it away, turn your porch light on. If you’re going to be gone or want to eat all the candy yourself, turn it off. Likewise, trick or treaters should look for homes that have a porch light on.

Safety tips

  • Cross the street at the corners/crosswalks and walk on the sidewalks, when possible
  • Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them, and watch for cars that are turning or backing up
  • Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult
  • Trick or treat in groups, if possible
  • Have older children who are going alone plan their route ahead of time
  • Teach children not to enter anyone’s home or car for any reason
  • Decorate costumes and candy bags with reflective tape and wear light colors, if possible
  • If you’re driving, slow down and watch for children