Contact your City Councilor

Jim Curd Jr., Mayor, Ward 3
Ward 3 map





Trevor Dorsey, Vice Mayor, Ward 5
Ward 5 map






Tim Sherrick, Ward 1
Ward 1 map







Larry East, Ward 2
Ward 2 map







Aaron Kirkpatrick, Ward 4 (photo pending)
Ward 4 map


To view a map of all five city wards, see Ward Boundaries 2023.

Bartlesville City Council

City Council members are elected from each of city’s five wards.

The mayor and vice mayor are elected by the council during the first meeting of the new term.

Each council member serves a term of two years with elections held in even-numbered years beginning November 2012.

  • Two-year terms
  • Elections held in even-numbered years
  • Members elected by their ward
  • Mayor, Vice Mayor elected by council

The next City Council election will be held Nov. 5, 2024. The filing period for candidates to file declarations of candidacy for their ward is August 2024 (dates to be determined) at the Washington County Election Board, 4th Floor, City Hall.


The council meets the first Monday of the month on the first floor of City Hall, 401 S. Johnstone Ave. in downtown Bartlesville. Special meetings are called as needed. City Council Schedule of Meetings 2024.

All regular City Council meetings are open to the public and are recorded and live-streamed via the City’s webcast as well as televised on local cable Channel 56.

Workshop meetings, which are held periodically to accommodate lengthier discussions about more complex issues, are not live-streamed or televised. Typically, these meetings are for discussion only.

Public input

Citizens who reside within 10 miles of City Hall, 401 S. Johnstone Ave., are welcome and encouraged to provide input to the council during the “Citizens to be Heard” portion of every City Council meeting.

The Citizens to be Heard portion of the meetings are held at the beginning of each meeting. In an effort to streamline the process, speakers are asked to sign in, limit their comments to three minutes, and refrain from repeating information presented by previous speakers.

Note: The council is prohibited, per the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act, from commenting on issues brought up during Citizens to be Heard. If you wish to discuss an item with the council, please contact your council representative.