Citizen volunteers
The City of Bartlesville has numerous boards, committees and commissions that are driven by citizen volunteers. All citizens are encouraged and welcome to apply.
Board applications are located online and in the city manager’s office, located on the second floor of City Hall, 401 S. Johnstone Ave. Applications are kept on file for two years. To view a complete list, see Boards, Committees & Commissions.
Current openings
Members are currently needed on the following boards:
- One opening on the Street and Traffic Committee
Boards & Committees
Current List of Boards and Committees
Adams Municipal Golf Course Operating Committee
Bartlesville City Planning Commission
Bartlesville Development Authority
Bartlesville History Museum Trust Authority
Bartlesville Library Trust Authority
Bartlesville Redevelopment Trust Authority
Community Center Trust Authority
Construction and Fire Code Appeals Board
Sewer System Improvement Oversight
Tax Incentive District Review Committee
Unsheltered Homeless Task Force
Visit Bartlesville (Bartlesville Convention & Visitors Bureau) (Visitors Inc.)