Adams Golf Course greens project advances

September 4, 2024

The City Council on Tuesday awarded a $2,041,297 bid to Jonesplan LLC of Tulsa for the upcoming greens reconstruction project at Adams Golf Course.

The bid from Jonesplan included a base bid of $1,965,916 to replace all 18 course greens, along with the nursery, chipping and putting greens, and all necessary components to upgrade the drainage and irrigation loops for each green.

Five bid alternates were also included: rebuilding some greens collars with salvaged greens material, utilization of imported topsoil material to reconstruct greens collars, construction of 1,050-square-foot cart trail, 130 linear foot of cart trail curb, and an upgrade to Tahoma 31 Bermuda sod on the reconstructed greens collars.

Adding the five bid alternatives brought Jonesplan’s total bid to $2,041,297, which was still $113,705 under available budget. (To date, of the overall project budget of $2.4 million, $245,000 has been spent or encumbered on the design contract and master plan contract, leaving $2,155,000 available for construction).

Tentative plans, based on contractor availability, are to close the course and begin construction in NovemberThe goal is to seed the new greens by April 1, 2025, and open the course up to play on temporary greens around the end of May 2025, until the new greens are opened in late summer 2025.

Work has been ongoing at the golf course to help prepare for the project, resulting in hundreds of trees being removed from the property in an effort to control erosion and promote grass growth. This project is being funded through the 2018, 2020 and 2023 General Obligation Bond Elections, along with private donations.

In other matters, the council took the following actions:

Tuxedo Bridge Rehabilitation

The council voted to reject bids for the Tuxedo Bridge reconstruction project after all three bids received came in significantly over budget. The lowest bid was still $1,473,519 over the available construction budget of $1,310,000.

The bridge has been closed since January 2023, originally because of a pothole in the inside westbound lane. The rehabilitation project, approved by voters in the 2020 General Obligation Bond Election, then faced delays due to environmental requirements for the City to meet state and federal regulations regarding endangered wildlife potentially living in and under the bridge.

Staff plan to work with the consultant project engineer, Guy Engineering, to readvertise the project with a reduced scope to address the most urgent project items, which include rehabilitation of the “west bridge,” or westbound lanes. Funding for the project was included on the 2020 General Obligation Bond election.

Price Tower Arts Center

The council authorized the city manager and/or city attorney to send formal notice to Price Tower Arts Center to terminate a memorandum of understanding regarding the management, maintenance and operation of the city-owned Tower Green (now known as Unity Square).

The original collaborative agreement for Tower Green/Unity Square was approved by the council in May 2018 between the PTAC, Bartlesville Community Center and the City. Tuesday night’s action included approval of an updated lease and operating agreement between the City and the Bartlesville Community Center Trust Authority to provide management, maintenance and operation of Unity Square.

New development

The City Council approved a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Site Development Plan for 3.26 acres at the southeast corner of Southport Drive and Washington Boulevard/U.S. Highway 75 from applicant Dan Keleher on behalf of Patriot Hyundai, which plans to develop an automobile dealership with a service area and outdoor display on the site.

The proposed dealership building will occupy the southern portion of the site, with an outdoor car display and parking area to the north. The approval is subject to several conditions recommended by staff. The Microtel building and the smaller buildings to the south of it will be removed to make way for the dealership and service center.