For your safety, before you dig anywhere on your property, call 1-800-522-6543 (1-800-522-OKIE) or dial 811. Careless digging, even by homeowners, causes disruption of vital services, costly repairs and environmental damage, even injury or loss of life. Before you dig, call OKIE. Both the call and the service are free and can keep unfortunate incidents to a minimum. Always Call OKIE at least two (2) working days, but not more than ten (10) days before digging. This excludes weekends or holidays. Call OKIE will notify the various utility companies to mark the approximately location of their underground utility lines with either flags, paint or stakes. They’ll also let you know if they have no lines in the proposed excavation site. So if your plans call for planting a tree, installing a fence, or building a pool…… Call OKIE at 1-800-522-OKIE (6543) or dial 811 before you dig.