Duck feeding guidelines in City parks

December 6, 2018
Signs have been placed in City-owned parks to discourage the feeding of certain foods to the ducks and geese at Jo Allyn Lowe Park pond, Lee Lake and Sooner Park.
“We received a citizen request asking us to consider posting a similar sign at Jo Allyn Lowe Park so that visitors would know that some food — in particular, bread — is unhealthy and can even be harmful to the waterfowl in our City parks,” said Community Development Director Lisa Beeman. “We hope the signs will increase public awareness about the issue and provide ideas for more appropriate foods for these animals.”
What is appropriate food for waterfowl? According to Mother Nature Network, seedless grapes (cut in half), chopped lettuce and other greens, birdseed, frozen and thawed peas, corn and oats are preferred menu items.
Beeman said four signs have been ordered and will be placed in the parks as soon as they are available.