Pickleball court complex to open Thursday

July 9, 2024
Photo by Kumar Krishnan

Opening day is (almost) here! The long-awaited pickleball complex, located in Sooner Park, is set to open at 4 p.m. this Thursday, July 11.

“We still have a few things to do to ready the courts for play by late Thursday afternoon, but we are excited to have this project substantially finished and ready for the public to enjoy,” said Director of Engineering Micah Siemers.

Funding to construct the six-court complex was approved by voters in the 2020 General Obligation Bond Election. Spring rains and a delay in the delivery of breakers needed to light the courts set the project back a bit, Siemers said.

“We will need to go back in later and install breakers to light four of the courts,” he said. “We initially thought we would wait until all six courts were lighted to open, but we really don’t know when the breakers for the remaining four courts will come in. And we know people are ready to get started so we wanted to open as soon as possible.”

This courts can be rented but are otherwise available on a first come, first served based. To inquire about court rentals, contact the Community Development Department at mmsandford@cityofbartlesville.org or 918.338.4238.

The complex is located just north of the tennis courts in Sooner Park, 420 S.E. Madison Blvd.