By Kelli Williams
What’s going in there?
The old Montana Mike’s building has a sign about a new Chinese buffet. Do you have any information on this? I know some people are claiming it is New China relocating even though New China says it is reopening at their current location in November. The sign reminds me a LOT of the one that was at Hunan so was wondering if maybe it was the same people.
The Community Development Department has received plans for a new Chinese restaurant at the old Montana Mike’s location, 3825 S.E. Adams Road, and say the plans include site improvements and a small remodel of the building. According to CCD staff, the name of the new restaurant has not been confirmed. The owner on the application is listed as “ATLEASE, LLC.” So it likely isn’t Hunan or New China but rather an additional option.
I noticed that there has been activity at the old Phillips station at Madison and Adams. After being closed for several years it’s great to see something will be going in there. Now the question: who or what? The fascia and old car wash has been painted red and yellow but no signage yet. Can you figure out what’s going on?
According to the Community Development Department, the building will be used as a “privately-owned tire shop, for repairs and sales, etc.”
Good news, bad news
I’m hoping you can answer this question for us once and for all. I have always heard that if a person registers to vote they are automatically added to the list for potentially getting called for jury duty. Is there any truth to this? I am self employed and can’t just take off work for jury duty, nor do I have any desire whatsoever to be on a jury. However, I would love to vote without fear that I’ve set myself up for disappointment down the road — outside of just unknowingly picking the wrong candidate, of course.
Good news for you! Well, sort of. I contacted the Washington County Election Board and was assured that jurors are selected based on their driver’s license, not their voter registration. This means you can register to vote without worrying about it. However, it also means if you have a driver’s license, you’re already in the selection pool.