Work is underway by Community Development Department staff to develop a comprehensive plan that will help identify and provide a pathway for growth and development for the community, Larry Curtis, director of Community Development, said recently.
The comprehensive plan is part of the Bartlesville NEXT Strategic Plan, which was under development most of 2022 and was finalized earlier this year.
“A comprehensive plan is a long-range blueprint for the physical, social and economic development of a community,” Curtis said. “It provides a framework for decision making by identifying community goals and objectives, analyzing existing conditions, and outlining strategies and policies for achieving those goals. It outlines a vision for the future of the city and provides a roadmap for achieving that vision.”
Curtis said the comprehensive plan will be developed with input from community members and stakeholders. The plan will cover a wide range of topics, including economic development, land use and zoning, transportation, public safety and quality of life.
“By identifying community goals and objectives, the plan helps to ensure that the City’s resources are directed towards achieving those goals in a coordinated and effective manner,” he said. “The plan also helps to promote transparency and accountability in decision making, as community members and stakeholders have a clear understanding of the City’s priorities and objectives.”
Curtis said the plan is also important because it helps to promote sustainable development and growth.
“By analyzing existing conditions and outlining strategies for achieving community goals, the plan helps to ensure that growth is well planned and managed. This includes the development and implementation of zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations and other land use policies that promote responsible and sustainable development,” he said. “We’re looking forward to working on the proposed comprehensive plan as part of the Bartlesville Next Strategic Plan. It is a very important initiative that will help us achieve our goals and make Bartlesville an even better place to live, work, and play.”
Special Projects Manager Greg Collins will oversee development of the comprehensive plan. It is expected staff will pursue City Council approval of a Request for Proposals to hire a consultant to assist with the project in the near future.