City moves to Stage 2 of water ordinance

December 19, 2023

The City moved from Stage 3 of the Water Shortage Ordinance back to Stage 2 this week after weekend precipitation as well as a revision to the method of calculating the City’s weighted water supply remaining.

Water Utilities Director Terry Lauritsen said Monday the revised method will result in a more accurate reflection of the City’s water status.

“The overall supply remaining calculation will remain the same — a simple average of the four water sources — while the revised weighted water supply remaining calculation, which is similar to a weighted average of the four water sources, should more accurately reflect the City’s water rights for each water source,” Lauritsen said.

“For example, the Copan Lake level is currently 36.1 percent (full), but it only accounts for 8.91 percent of the City’s overall water rights, while the Hulah Lake level is 78.3 percent (full), and it accounts for 59.81 percent of the City’s overall supply. In the new calculation, more weight is given to Hulah, as that is where most of our water comes from.”

For more information, see Important Water Information and Water 101.