Reception planned for incoming, outgoing council, attorneys

November 13, 2018

A reception will be held for incoming and outgoing city attorneys and members of the City Council on Dec. 3. The reception will begin at 6 p.m. on the second floor of City Hall, 401 S. Johnstone Ave., and will be immediately followed by the City Council meeting, at 7 p.m.

The reception is to recognize outgoing City Attorney Jerry Maddux, who will retire from the City effective Jan. 1, 2019 after 43 years of service, and Ward 2 Councilor John J. Kane, who did not seek re-election for the upcoming term, as well as welcome Paul Stuart, who was elected Nov. 6 to fill the Ward 2 seat, and Jess Kane, who will take over as City attorney upon Maddux’s retirement.

Following the reception the council will hold its first meeting of the new term in the Council’s Chambers, located on the first floor of City Hall. Council members will be sworn into office and will then elect the mayor and vice mayor for the new term.

The public is invited to attend both the reception and the City Council meeting.

Right, from top: Jerry Maddux, Paul Stuart, Jess Kane.